VCE Connect

No dates published


VCE - The expo for all Virtual Reality.

The next generation of users on the internet now communicate over a new, complex form of social media. Social VR platforms are growing ever more now than before, and it's time we gathered up.

At VCE you’ll learn about the creativity, technology, and future possibilities that have been unlocked since the journey of VR started when Palmer Luckey released the first Oculus on March 25th, 2016.

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VCE Connect World

Our three day schedule is jam-packed with brilliant and creative speakers, and exciting new activities.

The best people in our community giving the best talks you’ve ever seen. Every panel will be streamed & recorded for you to watch at a later date.

The first day of the conference is focused on creativity and networking.

Next we spend the day raving about in activities and events.

We close out the event previewing new technologies and worlds still in development.

Current sponsorships for our workshops and speakers.

No sponsors (yet).

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